General information

This a is summary of our groups and rehearsal times and some general information for interested families.

Very Young Voices

Location: D.C. Bricker Social Room, Caulfield South
Session times: Tuesdays during the state school term. Choose from 9:15am, 10:00am or 10:45am
Teacher: Elizabeth O’Leary

Beginning Training Choir

Age:6 – 7 years (school grades 1 – 2)
Location: St Catherine’s School, Toorak
Rehearsal time: Monday afternoons during the state school term, from 4.30 – 5.30pm.
Teacher: Marion Stafford

Junior Training Choir

Age:8 – 9 years (school grades 3 – 4)
Location: St Catherine’s School, Toorak
Rehearsal time: Monday afternoons during the state school term, from 4.30 – 5.30pm.
Teachers: Elizabeth O’Leary and tutors Amelia Alder and Juliana Kay

Senior Training Choir

Age: 10 – 11 years (school grades 5 – 7)
Location: St Catherine’s School, Toorak
Rehearsal time: Monday afternoons during the state school term, from 5.30 – 7.00pm.
Teachers: Elizabeth O’Leary and tutors Amelia Alder and Juliana Kay

Main Choir and YVMen

Age: 11 – 18 years (school grades 7 – 12)
Location: St Catherine’s School, Toorak
Rehearsal time: Thursday evenings during the state school term, from 5.30 – 8.15pm, or 6.15 – 9.00pm
Teachers: Juliana Kay and Amelia Alder with accompanist and tutor Julia Piggin


Age: 18 – 30
Location: Armadale Baptist Church, Kooyong Rd
Rehearsal time: Monday evenings during the state school term, from 7.30 – 9.30pm.
Teachers: Juliana Kay and Mark O’Leary

Parental Involvement

There is much scope for parental involvement in the Young Voices of Melbourne. The choir is proud to be a community organisation which is strengthened by the involvement of parents and friends of the choir. Volunteer involvement helps to keep costs low, and provide extra opportunities for our young singers.

Following is a list of ways that interested parents can become involved: 

• supervision of choir members: at rehearsals, concerts, camps and tours 

• medical assistance: nurses and doctors often travel with the choir on tour 

• catering: help with food is needed at choir functions and on tours and camps 

• front of house duties: manning the box office, distributing programmes, ushering etc 

• design skills: assistance with graphic design for choir publications 

• Parents may also apply to serve on the Management Committee which governs the choir’s activities.


All members of the Choir and Training Choirs are expected to make every effort to attend every rehearsal and performance. This is essential if a high standard is to be maintained. If due to illness or important school or family commitments a rehearsal (or performance) cannot be attended, choristers should contact Juliana at before the rehearsal to make an apology and catch up on any news. It is also important for safety reasons that children not at rehearsals are accounted for. If choir members are only mildy unwell and not contagious, it is recommended that they attend rehearsal in a non-singing capacity as much can be learned by listening. Children who do not regularly attend rehearsals and who miss performances for unacceptable reasons will be asked to re-consider their commitment to the choir.


St Catherine’s School is in Heyington Place Toorak and there is plenty of street parking available.

Application Procedure

If having read these information sheets you would like to audition for the Young Voices of Melbourne, please contact Juliana at As places are limited in our groups, it is sometimes necessary to have to wait some time for an audition. New members are welcome to attend a couple of rehearsals before making a final commitment to join.

Contact Juliana Kay:

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